Matching Grants
Grant Terms and Amounts
All grants will be for one-year. Please focus your application on goals that are achievable in a year.
Grant funds can be used for specific projects, general operating funds, or for capacity building (strategic planning, training on digital literacy, board training, etc.)
Grant amounts are as follows:
- CBLO’s serving 30-49 students $5,000
- CBLO’s serving 50-149 students $7,500
- CBLO’s serving 150+ students $10,000
Students “served” should have at least 6 hours of annual instruction for organizations under 50 students and at least 12 hours of instruction for CBLOs serving 50+ students. CBLO’s may partner with other nonprofits to meet funding guidelines for students served.
VLF encourages you to use this as an opportunity to raise more money for your work by encouraging your donors to match the grant amount. Matching grants can double (1-to-1 match) the amount of funding you receive through increased and new donations.